Revision Rhinoplasty Case #1920

This patient consulted for a revision rhinoplasty. She was unhappy with her results from a previous closed approach rhinoplasty that she had gotten approximately 1.5 years prior with a different surgeon. She felt she had irregularities on her nasal bridge and that her tip was too pointed and projected. An open revision rhinoplasty was performed. Her previous contour irregularities were addressed and her tip was de-projected and refined into a more harmonious structure. Overall, her nose fits her overall facial structure and looks natural and unoperated on.
- Nasal tip de-projected, contour irregularities fixed.
- Nasal tip de-projected and refined, contour irregularities fixed.
- Nasal tip reshaped, refined, and de-projected.
- Nasal tip refinement, improved symmetry and structural support.
- Patient #: 1920
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 18 - 25
- Specialist: Mario Imola, M.D., D.D.S.
- Procedure: Revision Rhinoplasty