Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Englewood and Denver, CO

A neck lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that tightens, contours, and rejuvenates the neck and jawline area. This surgery removes excess skin and tightens the muscle layer to improve a patient’s jawline and neck contour. It commonly involves suturing the underlying muscles to reduce bulk and horizontal wrinkles in this location. For patients with loose skin and fatty tissue collection under the jawline and chin, a neck lift restores the entire area while leaving minimal scarring.

Before and After Photos

At Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Mario Imola and Dr. David M. Kowalczyk are double board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in face and neck rejuvenation. They utilize their expertise to perform safe and effective surgery for patients in and around Denver. Our talented and experienced doctors deliver both surgical and minimally invasive procedures that provide age-defying, natural-looking, and revitalizing results.

If you are interested in learning more about neck lifts, please schedule a private consultation with us by calling our Englewood office at (303) 839-7980

What is a Neck Lift?

The neck is a complex part of the body that can show multiple signs of aging. Common signs of aging in the neck are increased bulk under the chin (a “double chin”), loose skin and drooping skin along the jawline (jowls), fullness, platysma muscle banding, and wrinkles. These can make a patient look older than they actually are and cause them distress. Where a facelift focuses on the mid and lower third of the face, a neck lift usually targets below the jawline. (1)(2)

The tissues just under the skin of the neck consist of subcutaneous fat, superficial fascia, platysma, and deep fascia. Below the deep fascia is found deep fat, submandibular glands, and the digastric muscles. Some or all of these structures undergo change as we age and contribute to the characteristic aging changes found in the neck. Depending on the unique factors contributing to each individual’s aging appearance, a variety of surgical maneuvers are available to recontour fat, muscle, and deep structures to restore a youthful contour. (1) As a patient ages, the borders of the platysma can start to become prominent, initially under dynamic muscle activity and eventually at rest. Known as “platysmal bands” these appear as distinct vertical wrinkles that extend from the top of the neck to the bottom and are most prominent at the front edge of the platysma near the midline and the back edge of the platysma just in front of the ear and below the jawline.

A neck lift frequently utilizes a platysmaplasty to incise and reposition the platysma muscle creating a single sheet of muscle across the whole neck to restore the neck’s profile. The platysma and deep neck fascia are used to pull the sagging tissues under the chin and jawline up and back to a rejuvenated position. Once the deep plane tissues are suspended the skin is redraped, excess skin is removed and the skin incisions are carefully closed. Our surgeons recontour deep tissues, tighten the fascia-muscle layer, and trim loose skin to elevate and shape the entire area. (2)

Benefits of a Neck Lift

A neck lift:

  • Removes loose, excess skin
  • Slims the chin and neck
  • Strengthens the front-facing neck muscles
  • Removes fat and bulk from underneath the chin
  • Lifts surrounding tissue to accentuate the jawline
  • Combines multiple techniques to achieve optimal results

This surgery tightens the neck area to create a more youthful-looking contour, often increasing a patient’s overall confidence and self-esteem. It also removes fat deposits to eliminate a “double chin” and a weak jawline. A neck lift is frequently combined with a facelift to avoid abrupt changes in contour at the jawline and to further shape the submental area.

Ideal Neck Lift Candidates

Patients who seek out a neck lift commonly experience:

  • Fullness under the chin
  • Vertical wrinkles along the neck or “banding”
  • Loose skin that creates a “turkey neck” appearance
  • Poor jawline definition
  • Weak neck muscles
  • Sagging tissues along the jawline resulting in jowls that overhang into the neck

To qualify for a neck lift, candidates should be healthy with no underlying medical conditions that affect their ability to heal. They are typically between the ages of 40 and 70, but a neck lift can benefit patients of all ages where appropriate. Candidates should be non-smokers or willing to quit at least 8 weeks before and after their procedure date. Those who qualify must also have reasonable expectations and a positive outlook on the eventual results of a neck lift.

Personal Consultation at Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Imola or Dr. Kowalczyk will meet with you privately to discuss your neck lift procedure and how it can benefit you. The preoperative consultation is in fact the most important component of a successful journey to rejuvenate an aging neck. The patient and surgeon need to be on the same page regarding goals, expectations, possible risks, or adverse outcomes.

Your surgeon will perform a thorough physical examination and determine the main causes of aging present in your face and neck. Next, he will create a procedure plan that addresses your needs and meets your cosmetic goals. Your surgeon will then explain the chosen neck lift approach in detail to prepare you for surgery. A member of our staff will assist in scheduling your procedure at the end of this consultation.

To learn more about neck lifts and other aesthetic remedies, please read Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery’s blog.

Neck Lift Procedure

The majority of neck lift procedures can be done in an office-based surgery center under IV sedation with local anesthetic, eliminating the need for general anesthesia. If multiple procedures and a longer surgery time are anticipated then general anesthesia can be utilized. If neck liposuction is planned to reduce the fullness of the subcutaneous layer of fat then this is performed first. Next, the submentoplasty is performed using a small 2 to 3 cm incision under the chin. During the submentoplasty, pre-selected surgical maneuvers are performed including a midline corset platysmaplasty, a variable degree of platysma transection, and subplatysma dissection to reduce deep fat, digastric muscle or submandibular glands that may be contributing to fullness. Once the submentoplasty is finished, the right and left sides of the neck are addressed. (2)(3)(4)

Incisions are placed in the hairline behind the ear that pass up to the top of the ear then back down in the groove behind the ear and forward around the earlobe. In most cases, a neck lift is performed in conjunction with a facelift so the incision passes up the front of the ear to the temple scalp region. When a primary neck lift is the main consideration then the dissection is carried for a shorter variable distance in front of the ear to allow for “feathering” of the result into the face and prevent any bunching of tissue or contour irregularities along the jawline. The skin is undermined and connected to the subplatysmaplasty dissection cavity. The free edge at the back of the platysma muscle is dissected and additional transverse transection of the platysma is performed. (1)

The deep fascia and attached platysma are then pulled in a primarily up and back vector where it is suspended to fascia and cartilage around the ear. This maneuver restores sagging and creates a sharply defined angle under the chin and along the jaw line. The skin is draped over the ear, extra skin is removed and the incisions are carefully closed. (2)(3)(4) Once complete, your surgeon will place drains under the skin and a compression dressing around the neck to curb swelling and protect the area.


It is important to have a trusted adult stay with you overnight after a neck lift. When you return home from surgery, you will experience some bruising and swelling throughout the treatment area. This typically subsides dramatically during the first 2 weeks but some degree of swelling can persist for several weeks. Recovery from bruising recovery can be sped up with light-based energy treatments in the first few weeks following surgery. Keep your head elevated when sleeping and follow all postoperative instructions from your surgeon carefully.

Drains are usually left in place under the skin to prevent pockets of fluid from accumulating and removed 1 day following surgery. The compression dressing is worn full-time during the first week following surgery at night for 2 weeks following that. Stitches are typically removed 7 following surgery. Full exercise is possible at 3 weeks following surgery. Work can restart 7 to 10 days postoperatively.

Neck Lift Results

After this procedure, your neck and jawline contours will be slimmer and more defined. Your neck bands will be less prominent and the skin in this area will be tighter and more structured. The bulk underneath the chin will be eliminated, and your entire facial profile will be more youthful-looking and outlined. A well-executed neck lift will turn the clock back 12 to 15 years and You will likely only require one of these procedures in your lifetime as your new neck profile will remain restored for many years.

Ancillary Procedures Commonly Performed with a Neck Lift

  • Facelift. Commonly performed with a neck lift, a facelift utilizes incisions around the front of the ears to lift internal tissues and remove skin from the face to restore its contour. Our surgeons recommend a deep plane facelift as it provides the most durable and long-lasting results for our patients. They undermine the skin and SMAS layer to reach the deeper tissues of the face. Then, they carefully and meticulously suture sections of tissue higher on the facial profile to shift its contour. The surgeon then redrapes the skin and trims any excess to tighten and lift the entire area. They then place sutures along the ear incisions to finish the facelift. A combination face and neck lift greatly improves a patient’s results by revitalizing a larger portion of their facial profile. You may discuss if this procedure is right for you during your private consultation at Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery.
  • Facial Fat Transfer is frequently indicated in patients who have experienced facial volume. This procedure takes fat gently suctioned from donor sites such as the abdomen, flanks, or outer thighs. The fat is then processed to purify it before transfer to deficient areas such as the cheeks, temples, under the eyes, or around the mouth. The results reverse the aging effects of volume in the face and represent a more natural alternative to hyaluronic acid fillers.
  • Chin augmentation is a very useful procedure in patients undergoing neck lift when they show signs of deficient chin projection which will contribute to loss of a sharp chin-neck angle. Chin augmentation can be achieved using either implants or with an advancement genioplasty.

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost in Denver?

Dr. Imola and Dr. Kowalczyk create customized treatment plans for each patient. This results in varying costs for neck lifts and other surgical procedures. To receive an estimate, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with us by calling (303) 839-7980. We hope to hear from you soon.


What is the ideal age for a neck lift?

There is no specific age requirement for a neck lift; rather, it depends on the individual’s concerns and desired outcomes. Generally, patients between the ages of 40-70 pursue neck lift surgery. However, as long as you are in good health and have concerns about loose folds of skin or other neck-related issues, a neck lift may be an excellent option for you.

Is a neck lift the best surgery if my main concern is my “double chin?”

Not necessarily. Your age and the severity of the double chin plus any associated aging changes in the lower face and neck will determine the outcome. In younger patients with isolated heaviness under the chin, a more minimally invasive technique such as radiofrequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) ie. FaceTite-NeckTite may be the best option. 

How often is a neck lift performed in conjunction with a facelift?

Aging usually affects both the face and neck structures so neck lifts are usually performed in conjunction with a face lift. Occasionally individuals present with isolated aging in the neck but even in these cases the neck lift dissection is almost always extended into the lower face to allow for feathering of the result and avoiding an abrupt change in tissue contour at the jawline. 

What are neck lift scars like?

Neck lift scars are located in the groove and the hairline behind the ear and will extend in front of the ear for a variable distance. Initially, these scars may be red but over a period of several weeks will mature and fade into fine lines ultimately blending into your facial contours.


  1. Pérez P, Hohman MH. Neck Rejuvenation. PubMed. Published 2021. Accessed April 26, 2024.
  2. Alexander L, Patel BC. Platysmaplasty Facelift. PubMed. Published 2021. Accessed December 8, 2023.
  3. MARTEN T, FELDMAN J, CONNELL B, LITTLE W. Treatment of the full obtuse neck. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2005;25(4):387-397. doi: 
  4. O’Daniel TG. Understanding Deep Neck Anatomy and Its Clinical Relevance. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2018;45(4):447-454. doi: