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Three Common Facial Concerns Improved With Facelift Surgery

Ever want to turn back the hands of time? Facelift surgery manages cosmetic issues around the face and neck – from deep wrinkles to sagging jowls – to help create a more youthful appearance. Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery offers custom procedures for patients looking to reverse even the most severe signs of aging.

To learn more about our or your expected outcomes following a facelift, reach out to our team in Englewood, CO. We help patients look and feel refreshed by addressing common facial concerns.

When is the best time for a facelift?

Not everyone is ready for facelift surgery. Timing generally depends on what concerns you want to address and their severity. Most surgeons recommend a facelift when unwanted signs of aging start to become too prominent. A skin rejuvenation evaluation at Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery can help determine the most suitable procedure to help meet your expectations and goals.

Concern #1: Loose skin

Collagen is an essential component of firm and youthful-looking skin, but it diminishes by the time we reach our 30s. The result is wrinkles and sagging areas that become increasingly visible over time. Loose skin may become noticeable around the cheeks, chin, and neck. Mid-to-lower facelift surgery can successfully remove the excess tissue and create smoother, more defined facial contours.

Concern #2: Fat accumulation

Genetics, weight loss, and age-related hormonal changes cause small fat deposits to accumulate around the face and neck – especially around the neck and jowls. This can give you the appearance of a double chin. Often these fat pockets do not respond to diet or exercise, which makes facelift surgery one of the best options for restoring a well-defined jawline. A lower facelift or neck lift may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

Concern #3: Hollow areas

As skin becomes less elastic, the underlying soft tissue tends to shrink. You may experience sunken areas around the eyes and cheeks or a hollowed-out appearance. Even cosmetics cannot disguise this kind of problem. Facelift surgery repositions the underlying muscles and tissue, lifting and filling out hollowed areas to restore volume. A mid-facelift can be used to fill out the mid-face and cheeks in Englewood, CO.

What results to expect after a facelift

The results of any cosmetic surgery are highly individualized based on your underlying anatomy and aesthetic goals. However, many patients report improved natural-looking contours, tightened skin around the face and neck, and a more balanced appearance overall. Our team can provide detailed pre-operative instructions to minimize any risks associated with skin rejuvenation surgery while maximizing the outcomes.

How long will my facelift results last?

Results from facelift surgery are long-lasting if you follow the aftercare instructions provided by Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery. Sun protection is an important step since protected skin ages more slowly. We suggest scheduling regular follow-up appointments with our team to ensure longevity. You may need to undergo a touch-up procedure depending on your genetics and lifestyle habits.

Reduce signs of aging with a facelift

Whether you wish to address loose skin, fat accumulation, or hollow areas, there is a solution. Schedule a consultation with Colorado Facial Plastic Surgery to discuss your facial concerns and receive recommendations. Call now to schedule a consultation – our Englewood, CO team offers personalized skin rejuvenation surgery performed with the utmost care and attention to detail.